August 05, 2012

A lighter load...

Im feeling so much better after working this weekend to really lighten my own load. Sometimes in life there are certain people who wish to bring you down, and this week I was reminded of that once again.

I'm glad to say I've lightened my load of these people in my life. I only have time in my life for those people who wish to life me up and support and love me.

I have so many wonderful things to focus on in my life; my wonderful husband, a beautiful son, a supporting extended family, and wonderful, true friends, a promising job, surround by people who have their hearts and heads in the right places.

One of my wonderful Facebook friends posted this and it seems to sum up my week perfectly.

July 18, 2012

Fitting in like one of those little round pegs

I've managed two days in my new classroom, and I feel like I've gotten a lot accomplished. Boy I'm excited to really have a place call home again.

I've met two of my colleges thus far, and let me tell you folks, I'm in some good company, those ladies are great!

This is my room thus far..Photo: My little room is coming right along!!

I'm really proud of the way it's coming together and I suppose it was meant to be that the room in yellow, since that was one of my "design" colors.

In the coming weeks I have to finish my room, prep for open house night, learn a new literacy and a new math program in addition to PD, and getting to know my kids. I can't wait to tackle all of this....

But first, some supper. Check out this beaut that is for dessert.

July 13, 2012

Sweet Salvation

This past week I got a job!!! (Insert extremely over the top happy dance with lots of hip gyration here.)

I will be working at Woodland Elementary in Radcliff. I get to teach first grade!!! This will be the youngest set of babies I've ever taught.

My new job is a bit bittersweet. I hate to leave Hart County and all the familiarity that comes with my small hometown, but I'm beyond excited for new opportunities and experiences.

I've been busy as a bee making crafts for my classroom and planning lessons galore in my head. I get to meet my three fellow first grade friends hopefully this week! I can't wait to make their acquaintances.

More to come after I pick up my keys on Monday!!!

June 27, 2012

So you say you'd like to know more about my teaching eh?

I received a call today for an interview. I'm excited. If nothing else it made me really pull my self out of my "I don't have a job and never will" slump and get my brain on the right track.

After a fresh portfolio cover, and new copies of my letters and resumes I think I'm ready.

Now let's hope I don't get my hopes up fantasizing about bulletin boards, interactive lessons, and ALL of my Pinteresting I want to put in place and then be let down with the "You had a great interview, but we've decided to go with another candidate" speech.

More to come. Interview is next Tuesday afternoon. Wish me luck!!!

June 22, 2012

Sun and Summer

We've been putting our Beech Bend passes to good use. Looks like well be going for the third time this week tomorrow. Can't wait. Maybe I'll escape the summer looking a few shades darker than our good friend Casper.

Aaron has really improved riding his bike with no training wheels. He is spending most of the day outside with the neighboring boys and they play till dusk. When he comes in he is filthy!!! I love it. It reminds me of those same days when I was younger.

Russ purchased us a new cell phone. We're are both now proud members of the apple cult. :)

On the market of the job front. Notta. Still hopeful.

How are your summers going?

June 08, 2012

The cheese line really stinks!

For those of you who also felt the chop of the ax in the budget cuts gimmie a high five! Each day I sit a scour the sites for teaching positions and feel like banging my head against a wall... hard!

It is so very frustrating to want something so badly, but be denied it. As a teacher I strive to be current, up to date, and do things in my classroom that are beneficial, and that will make an impact on my kids. I LOVE my job- only problem is... I don't have one.

I sit and browse the Internet and find tons and tons of ideas I want to put into place- and admittedly, I fantasise about decorating.organizing a classroom. I just wish that some word would come, but I know I must wait. (Admission: I'm not a patient waiter!)

So as I wait, I still scour the blogs and pins of my friends and I eagerly pin all the best ideas I see. Somewhere deep down I wonder if it is all in vain. I think sometimes maybe I should just go apply for some secretarial position- that is NOT what I want to do with my life, but my chances are looking grim.

I suppose in the mean time, I will try to take the hubs advise and enjoy my summer. I vow to try to suppress my worry- at least until the beginning of July that is.

If are a teacher, please take stock of what you have. So many would kill to have what you have. Go into your classrooms with a vigor and love for kids. We are all they get some days. Until next time...

May 31, 2012

Pinterest Pandemonium

Summer is here! (Well, technically for me it begins at noon tomorrow!) With the arrival of summer I've found myself pinning more and more! I'm not sure if this is just to fill my idle summer months ahead, or if I'm truly just an addict.

Hello, my name is Lee Ann and I'm a pinning addict. Admission is the first step right?

In honor of my addiction (Pinterest and I are approaching our one year anniversary in our relationship, it's the only thing that kept me awake when hubby stuck me on the hotel desk working 3rd shift last summer!) :) (P.S. I'd do it again in a heart beat love!)

I am making a "Best of Pinterest" post this week. These are the best pins I've found recently. You know those things that you ponder making at 1 am, or while your in the shower. :)

Classroom "I Cans"
4th Grade Frolics: Monday "Made It" Reveal - Classroom/Home Edition
With the new common core standards we use "I can" statements and I think this would be a perfect way to display them with each unit/lesson. Will do if I have a classroom! (This is where you can insert your prayer that I get a job this summer!)

Desktop caddies... hot glue cups to bottom, address label tops of crayon boxes.
I LOVE these simple crates with cups hot glued into the bottom. Since I began teaching, the Dollar General store has mesh metal baskets made for holding picnic items, I've always wanted to use them for supplies for groups, but I'm far too stingy to buy them. I guess this is the next best choice! See lustful baskets below!

Lots of great links to fun things to get done over the summer for next school year

Letter/Number Tiles
Classroom DIY
Okay, so this is the one that is keeping me up at night. (I think not because I want to make it so badly, but because I have no class to put it in place in.) This is the greatest little center activity! You can make each tile with letters or numbers and use them however you like. For the tiny kiddlets, you can do word families, or math problems, and for the bigger kiddos you could use for spelling practice with difficult vocabulary words, maybe even some phonic activities like chunking and prefixes/suffixes. Just thoughts.... WANNA DO THIS SO BAD!

Okay, so here is my Pinterest rant for the week. Now, go make something wonderful, and say a prayer I get a job so I have a reason to make my own!!

May 25, 2012

Ain't no cure for the Summertime Blues!

Well I've managed to compete one full week of Project Blast and SMARTS camp. These two summer programs offered at our school have been a blast, but have certainly worn me out this week!

We've made some of the CUTEST crafts including drawings on the glass of a picture frame (traced from a coloring page of course) tic-tac-toe boards with painted rocks as their pieces, and today we will finish up with some very cute tin can wind chimes. See pictures below!

Tin can wind chime       
Fancy Tin Can Wind Chimes
tic tac toe
Tic-Tac-Toe Boards!

Color Hunt in Nature!

We also had a great field trip to the local new station this week as well. We were able to tour the studio, see a live taping of the mid-day news, and some of our kids got to pretend to do the weather! Neat stuff!

We still have one more week of Project Blast next week and we will be focusing on SUMMER FUN!!!! We are going to have a blast next week, and then MY summer gets to start! I cannot wait!

Hubby bought Aaron and I two passes to Beach Bend Park. Think this is a sign he just wants us our of his hair for the summer? I don't think I'll mind going.... Look at this oasis where I'll spend majority of my time!

May 20, 2012


Does anyone else hate cooking? I'm not sure how I have such a love for food, but I LOATHE going to the kitchen and actually making it. (Sometimes- there are those times I don't mind it at all...) 

Hence just this morning, Russ wants bacon and biscuits, yes, a very simple meal, but I just did. not. want. to. fix. it. :(

Well, one pound of bacon, a can of biscuits, and several hasty stomps through the kitchen, breakfast is done, the kitchen is cleaned, and what for dinner is on the horizon.

In other news, I'm busily working on the decorations for my sister-in-laws wedding coming up in July. For all of my ideas, feel free to check out the pin board I made for her wedding. Ninas Pin Board

Vase of fruit and flowers

This week begins my last two weeks of work with school. We have two summer programs going on this coming week, Project Blast is the first, where we'll be focusing on nature & weather this week, an SMARTS camp where we will be covering topics from human anatomy, to nature & weather. Looks to be a promising week with a super fun field trip scheduled for this Thursday!

May 17, 2012

Schoooooolllllllllsssss Out for Summa!!!!

Well friends, WE. ARE. DONE!!!
I cannot believe it is only mid May and we are OUT of school! (Inset happy dance here!)
All of my summer chores are finished as far as packing up the classroom. My room is spic-n-span clean!

Now that all of the technicalities are out of the way- What are you doing today on this BEAUTIFUL first day of summer?

Please comment below- and since you are reading this post, I hope your answer it not " I sat inside on the computer all day!"

On a related note... in about 3 days, when you run out of things to do, I found another very neat "I'm Bored" buster via my true love, (besides the hubby of course) Pinterest! (Click here to print the items for the jar, click here to see how to make the jar super cute like the one in the picture.)

101 ideas for "I'm Bored" Jar
Check out the activities in this "I'm bored" jar and let me know what you think. 'Till next time... Ta ta!!!

P.S. Wear some sunscreen on these hot sunny days... Nothing is uglier than an old wrinkled lady at the age of 30! :)

May 13, 2012

Ugh... I'm bored!!!

Okay Friends, you know it's coming! We have 3 days of school left, and those of you who are lucky enough to join me in Project Blast or SMARTS camp, you will have an extra 2 weeks of entertainment... however, those of you are are headed for the hill in a dead sprint, your going to be uttering those words before long.... I'm bored.....

In an effort to help you (and your sweet parents) overcome those times of boredom, I'm posting this link to help keep you entertained.
Ideas for kid activitiesThis is from a pin( Oh Pinterest- how I LOVE YOU!) that I've found, and it may give you at least a few things to do while on your break. Think- if you did 2 a day, that's a BORED free summer!!! Click here to go to the site. (I LOVE numbers 7, 16, 33 and 55.) I challenge you to see just how many of these you can do this summer! Please post comments so we can all share our experiences over the summer!


May 12, 2012

Pinterest Post

In honor of my addiction to Pinterest I wanted to share with you all some of my very favorite pins I've come across lately!

Craft Pin: This is the neatest thing! I combines my love of craft + re purposing + manic organization! Perfection!

This is a hanging magnet board made from.... you ready... an old stove burner cover wrapped in fabric! Wa la!! LOVE!

Magnetic Memo Board from old burner cover

Blog Pin: I'm certainly on the blog kick these days. I've been searching blogs-mostly of the educational kind- to find great tips to make teaching more fun, exciting, and this particular blog is GREAT for organization tips!
Packing up the classroom.

To Do Pin: With summer break beginning this Friday- (Yes! Did I just say this Friday? YAY!) I have found several projects I'd like to do around the house, and this is one of them! I love this bird bath bade from an old flowering pot..Cute!
create a salvaged styled birdbath - by Eclectically Vintage

Just for fun: This pin is just super funny. Nothing beats a good ol' Diet Coke, and it's even better if it's in a can!

Go Pin something fab!!

May 07, 2012

I've been away too long!

In an effort to keep my kiddos learning over their very long summer, (no complaints here for a longer summer vacation) I am linking up my blog with my school website so my students can come here to keep in touch- and most importantly keep learning!

Since my last post, we've covered TONS of content, had an amazing Spring Break practiced On-Demand writing till it was running out our ears, and finally we made it through the first ever new testing for the state of Kentucky using the new Common Core Standards- The KPREP!

In addition to all of that, on a personal note, I've found out that I will no longer have a job for next year. This is okay. I took the 5th grade position mid-year, and I'm excited to have the opportunity to work with these 37 amazing kids! I'm again on the job hunt...No rest for the weary!

Hubby and son are both doing well. Aaron is ready to head for the 3rd grade and I'm thrilled to report he is well above grade level, AND he is going to have the same teacher again next school year. Yay for looping! :)

First up- who has exciting plans for summer? Post about what you plan to do over the summer months! Can’t wait to hear about your plans!

January 30, 2012

Poems, Conferencing, and Snakes... Oh my!!!!!

Hello Monday!

Off to another full week of school and there isn’t a snowflake in sight! (Yay!) By this time last school year we’d already piled up over a dozen snow days and boy and I’m glad that this isn’t the case for this year!

This week we are focusing on comparing & contrasting in addition to wrapping up our poetry. We are in the process of conferencing & publishing our poetry drafts. I allowed the students to choose from Haikus, Limericks, Cinquains, and Free Verse poems. They’ve done an excellent job writing the poems and I’m SO proud to see some of my struggling writers really put their minds to getting these poems done and doing them right.

We have these great writing folders, one side is labeled ‘Drafting’ and the other is ‘complete.’ Our goal is to conference and get some pieces on ‘over to the dark side’ while we have the mobile lab so students may type! They also have ‘Writers Toolboxes’ with tips for revision strategies and writing prompt ideas. (The students have found this very useful!)

In our compare & contrast studies (I’m pretty sure this is going to be one BIG chunk of the new TEST based on the guide books.) We completed an activity (Pinterest inspired of course) on comparing and contrasting characters. (See the Pinterest example below.)
Pinned Image
It was the first nice day we've had in a while and we went to the play ground. Nothing like ending my day with one of my Fifth grade boys lining up to go in with a baby snake in his hand. (Thankfully it was dead!) Boys will be boys!

On a personal note, Master classes are going very well, this week I’ll be half way finished with this round of classes. YAY! Also, I’m looking forward to planning a trip to San Francisco to visit my very best bud! Can’t wait- It’ll be my first trip on a plan, across the country, ALL ALONE! Yikes!

Have a good week friends!

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January 25, 2012

Trashy Readers

What a GREAT lesson. I wish I could take the credit for the lesson, but it was completely stolen!

Ms. Noren over at My Life as a Fifth Grade teacher presented this lesson to her kids and I took her lead! What a SUPER way to get the kids making inferences. See her post about “Trashy Readers” here.  (Pictures of my lesson to come.)

I can’t believe today is already Wednesday. We have “PLC” meeting tomorrow and we are working on practical living and vocational studies requirements. Evidently, since the state is no longer assessed on this, it is now up to teachers to provide proof of incorporation in the classroom.

We all do this, each and every day, trick is, getting our brains to think of it this way. It’ll be interesting to review the standards and dig in our brains and say “Oh, I do ____ that meets that standard.” Ahhh life lessons taught in the classroom.

What are some ways you incorporate practical living in your classroom? Do you take advantage of those ‘teachable moments’ to help you kids learn about life?

January 23, 2012

Technology... Friend or Foe?

After spending four hours at school on Sunday planning and searching the Internet for the perfect "interactive" activity to do with my kids over conjunctions and them types of poetry...



So, never fear! I'm versatile! I can adapt... change plans... (boo for no technology...) In walks principal to observe!

Ohhhhhhh why couldn't you work internet? Geeze!

Lesson went fine, concepts were taught, and well received, even though I had to shake up my own lesson plans. (No way I was about to throw away that hard work.. I'll save the super technology plan for tomorrow!)

What do you do when your technologies aren't working as expected? What are your 'go to' plans?

January 20, 2012

Funnies, Frantic, & Fun Friday


I’m so thankful today is Friday, and on top of that, it was early release! Students left a 1, while we all stayed behind until 3 for PD. (Check out this funny video our principal showed before we were released! It’s a hoot and right on about education and “The Test.”)

After my Master class last night and knowing all I need to work on this weekend. I realized that after being out on Monday, I was a day behind in my “prep” for next week!

I admit it. I left school without all my materials ready for Monday. I know I’ll give in a go tomorrow or Sunday, but I just had to bolt. (Especially after the hubby called and said “Come home! It’s the weekend!” Who could resist a hubby that wants to cuddle with you on the couch?)

To the real point of this post!

We take 45-50 min each Friday afternoon to have what we like to call “Fun Friday.” This is a reward for students who didn’t get their 3 strikes for the week. Students who did the right thing get to go to “Fun Friday” while the others go to the “offender” room. (Here students copy procedures from their student packets or write about words like ‘respect’, ‘origination’, and ‘responsibility’. We also discuss how we can change our behaviors to have a better week next week.

I like out set up, but I HATE HATE HATE to be the warden! Wish there wasn’t a need for this room at all, but we all know there are going to be a few little stinkers who need more convincing in following the rules.

What are some ways you reward your students? What are disciplines your students respond to best? How do you deal with those students who seem “unaffected” by their consequences?

January 17, 2012

Wild Weather

After an early release on Thursday afternoon due to snow flurries coming in, a snow day on Friday, and a Holiday yesterday, the LAST thing I needed was to spend an hour huddled in the hall after lunch avoiding nearby tornados!!! Talk about making a wild day even wilder!

Thankfully, nothing more than some heavy rain and dark gray skies for us. It doesn’t look like other people in the state were so lucky. After a bit of a schedule arrangements, we ditched Science to get in the long overdue Social Studies test that was scheduled for Friday. This is where I’m so thankful to have a great teammate that is so flexible!

Last year I was lucky enough to be teaching in the same school that my son attended. I found myself wondering how he was doing in the “drill” today. I always loved his surprise visits to my room for snack money and what not, I find myself missing those now at my new assignment. How many of you teach at the school your children attend? How do you feel about it?

January 16, 2012

A day off... or not?

We all lust after those 3 (in my case, thanks to the snow, a 4 day) weekend. How many of use ever actually take those days off?

I admit, I did use my snow day on Friday to tackle the mountain of Masters homework hovering over me. (Thankful for a chance to jump ahead before I could be left behind!)

Today however, I spent some time in the classroom. Planning time is never enough to get everything done at school. I went today to make sure all my materials were out for tomorrow and also to prep a few anchor charts for my Daily Five.
This is the anchor chart I was inspired to create. I found this (along with a TON of other great anchor charts) via pinterest at Fabulous Fourth Grade. This is her creation; mine looks pretty much the same, minus the spatula. (I just didn’t feel that I could do the pie server justice!)

What have you been inspired to create via Pinterest? Do you frequently spend your snow days/holidays working?

Enjoy your week!

January 15, 2012

A Day in My Shoes

Linking up with Miss Klohn from Adventures of a 6th grade teacher, I thought it would be nice to portray a day in the life of Mrs. Yonker.

5:05 Alarm sound.... I choose to snooze until 5:45 (some days it's 6).

6:00 Pending on the weather the hair may be curly or straight... either way, I like to have my coffee and be out the door by 6:45.

7:00 (or earlier) is when I love to get to school, I MUST have that gearing up time before my kiddos arrive. I usually check e-mails, work on lesson plans, or gather supplies for the day.

7:45 Begins our morning meeting for the day. Each day the whole school meets in the gym to hear a word from the principal before the day begins. Then it's off to our 5th grade lockers to get all of our things for the day!

Between locker time and 8:00 is spent sushing ushering students into the classroom and offering 15 dozen times, don't forget ______ for class today!

At 8:10 my first reading class with my homeroom begins. We focus on a Mini lesson followed by a Daily 5 choice area. We spend the last 5 min of class wrapping up and filling in our agendas with homework for the evening.

9:00 Starts the second reading class of the day where we do much of the same as the first class.

9:50 That little precious time of day where I get to retreat to my room, run through the building collecting papers, making copies, and touching base with other teachers about XY &Z, while my students attend Music, PE, or Art.

10:50 The kids are picked up and I get to take the boys for their restroom break. (Is there a sign in there that says play, touch one another and talk as loudly as possible?)

10:50-11:20 Is our "Brain Break" we spend time playing review games or fun activities that don't seem like work but focus on a skill, even if it's a social skill.

11:20 Is lunch... I hate this time of day. I always feel like the time is better spent working in my room, but I don't want to be a hermit in my room. Plus if I work, I don't eat... my hinnie is plenty wide enought without adding to.

12:00 Writing classes begin where we focus on vocabulary and then writing block.

12:50 Ditto... Writing.

1:40 We spend this time differently each day. Monday's and Wednesday's we work on On Demand writing to please the Testing Gods in hops to perfect our On Demand skills. Tuesday and Thursday we have Science class. This day is much more fun. We like to get our hands dirty.

2:30 Begins break, this time is spent wrapping up the day and getting ready to go home. (Sometimes it is spend practicing procedures and rules we need work on from the day.)

3:00 Students are dismissed and teacher are allowed to leave at 3:15.

I usually don't leave until 4ish on a normal day, unless I have Zumba which starts a 4 about 10 min down the road.

Either way, I usually arrive home around 5 and the rest of the evening is spent getting me, my 8 year old and the hubby ready for the next day.

Always some Facebook and Pinterest time thrown in there while we keep the couch company before we hop off to bed about 9.

Ahhhh what a day!

The First of Many...

Hello Friends,

This is my first post here at "A Little Ditty." The site recieved its name only by mistake. I've been teaching for three years now and last year I made the swith from second to sixth grade. (Yikes!) Turns out, nothing to fear! I never imagined such a close relationship with a group of 11 and 12 year olds, but boy did they turn my world around, in a good way!

We worked on gender based class and those girls... 24 sixth grade girls, what some may see as the stuff nightmares are made of, but it was h-e-a-v-e-n! The word "ditty" quickly caught on! In class the ladies used this very odd mix of a british/high-pitched accent. It stuck! I found myself telling them directions in this same voice! We had a blast and everything was a 'ditty' When will we go to lunch? In a ditty. Where should I put my notebook? In that ditty. Bye kids, I love you, have a ditty of a night!

That 'ditty' of a year changed the way I'll see teaching forever. It was blessing to get to know those students so very well. I hope I can have that kind of relationships with my students each year.

What do you do to get to know or form better relationships with your students?