Hello Monday!
Off to another full week of school and there isn’t a snowflake in sight! (Yay!) By this time last school year we’d already piled up over a dozen snow days and boy and I’m glad that this isn’t the case for this year!
This week we are focusing on comparing & contrasting in addition to wrapping up our poetry. We are in the process of conferencing & publishing our poetry drafts. I allowed the students to choose from Haikus, Limericks, Cinquains, and Free Verse poems. They’ve done an excellent job writing the poems and I’m SO proud to see some of my struggling writers really put their minds to getting these poems done and doing them right.
We have these great writing folders, one side is labeled ‘Drafting’ and the other is ‘complete.’ Our goal is to conference and get some pieces on ‘over to the dark side’ while we have the mobile lab so students may type! They also have ‘Writers Toolboxes’ with tips for revision strategies and writing prompt ideas. (The students have found this very useful!)
In our compare & contrast studies (I’m pretty sure this is going to be one BIG chunk of the new TEST based on the guide books.) We completed an activity (Pinterest inspired of course) on comparing and contrasting characters. (See the Pinterest example below.)
It was the first nice day we've had in a while and we went to the play ground. Nothing like ending my day with one of my Fifth grade boys lining up to go in with a baby snake in his hand. (Thankfully it was dead!) Boys will be boys!
On a personal note, Master classes are going very well, this week I’ll be half way finished with this round of classes. YAY! Also, I’m looking forward to planning a trip to San Francisco to visit my very best bud! Can’t wait- It’ll be my first trip on a plan, across the country, ALL ALONE! Yikes!
Have a good week friends!
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